(2018) 2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 97–108
Title of the article A New Procedure for Investigating Expert by Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: Achievements and Loses
Doctor of Law, docent, head, criminal procedure department, National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Odessa, Ukraine, criminal_process@onua.edu.ua
PhD in Law, associate professor, criminal procedure department, National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Odessa, Ukraine, criminal_process@onua.edu.ua
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 2
Pages [97–108]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Taking into account the constant processes of reformation and in order to provide them with the best possible support, the legislator constantly changes the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (CPC of Ukraine). The provisions of criminal procedure law which regulate the procedure for involving an expert in a criminal proceeding are not exception.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the latest developments in the criminal procedural legislation in terms of determining the involvement of an expert in conducting an examination in order to determine the positive and negative effects of such changes.
It is emphasized the shortcomings of the idea and regulations of this procedure. It is noted that for the prosecution, such changes considerably limit the procedure independence of the investigator and complicate the procedure of pre-trial investigation as the investigator should apply to the investigative judge, having previously agreed with the prosecutor, thus, the process of involving the expert becomes longer. The defense party today has no possibility to involve the expert independently to carry out any expert examination, even at his/her own expense, and the petition for an investigative judge does not guarantee its satisfaction.
It is emphasized on the unsecured implementation of the adversarial principle and freedom in submitting to court their evidence and in bringing to the court their convictions during the consideration of the petition for the involvement of an expert by investigative judge. After all, the person which fi led the application, is notifie on the place and time of its consideration, but his/her non-arrival does not prevent the consideration of the application, except when the participation of such person is recognized as compulsory. In its turn, the compulsory notification of the other party under the CPC of Ukraine is not spoken. An investigative judge has the right, at the request of the participants of the hearing or on his/her own initiative, to hear any of the witnesses or to investigate any material relevant to the resolution of the petition, but no hearing is provided by the other party. The opposing party will not know who initiated and/or conducting an examination, even mandatory, since the CPC of Ukraine does not have a duty to inform the party, to hand over (send) copies of the petition with the annexes.
Co-authors offer two modes of involving an expert in criminal proceedings: in cases where the involvement of an expert is mandatory (part 2 of Article 242 of the CPC of Ukraine) – an expert examination is carried out by the party in criminal proceedings or on the instructions of an investigative judge or court; in the case when the involvement of the expert is not mandatory, the expert is involved on the instructions of the investigative judge or the court provided at the request of the party to the criminal proceedings.
Keywords examination; involyment of an expert; parties; investigative judge; court.
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